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- Say "Mingalabar" for hello when meeting Myanmar people.
- Put "U" in front of the name when talking to an elderly male or a man in a senior position
- Put "Daw" in front of the name when addressing an elderly female or a woman in senior position.
- Wear decent clothes when visiting the the pagodas or monasteries.
- Remove your shoes including socks before entering a pagoda, temple and monastery.
- Take off your shoes before entering a private house.
- Show respect to monks, novices and nuns.
- Bend a bit when crossing close in front of the elders.
- Try to speak Myanmar language.
- Try to speak slowly and clearly.
- Behave in a proper manner.
Do not:
- Touch any adult on the head.
- Touch a part of a lady's body. You might end up in a police station.
- Point a finger straight in the face.
- Point your feet to point to a thing or place.
- Sit down higher than a monk or than a statue of Buddha.
- Put Buddha statues or images on the floor or somewhere in appropriate.
- Show affection in public.