วันศุกร์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Message From Kru Ekachai - November

When in Rome, do as the Romans do

This idiom means that when you are visiting a different place or culture, you should try to follow their customs and practices.

When the ASEAN Community materializes in 2015, the citizens of ASEAN countries will be more convenient to visit other parts of the region. Moreover, there will be free flow of skilled labour in eight professions comprising doctors, dentists, nurses, engineers, architects, accountants, surveyors and the tourism industry.

The ASEAN citizens can migrate to live and work in the other countries’ territory without the need for visas or permits. But different countries have different cultures. Every nation has its own customs and traditions, dos and don’ts. People who want to work or travel far away from their hometowns should be aware of the customs and etiquette of other countries.

In keeping with the saying “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, you should try to observe other countries’customs during your time in their territories. Be polite and gracious to your host country or city.

The ASEAN Corner Project will be dedicated to providing lists of dos and don’ts in the ASEAN countries for the whole month of November. Gaining knowledge of different cultural practices will give you a chance to appreciate the richness of the ASEAN cultural diversity. The guidelines may help you a lot when you want to go explore our region.

Thank you for staying connected to the ASEAN Corner Project.

Kru Ekachai

