- Pre-school education : 1 year
- Primary education (Grades 1-6): 6 years
- Lower secondary education (Grades 7-9): 3 years
- Upper secondary or vocational or technical education : 2 years
- Pre-tertiary education : 2 years
School Year
school year consists of 4 terms of around 10 to 12 weeks each. The academic
year commences on 02 January with a 4-week break at the end of the year. Subject
to minor changes, the school terms are generally as follows:
- Term 1: Early January – Mid March
- Term 2: Late March – Mid June
- Term 3: Late June – End of August
- Term 4: Mid September – End of November
The School Week
Schools are closed on Fridays and Sundays, with Saturday being a working day.
"The School Year of Brunei." (Online). Available : http://moe.gov.bn/education-system/other-information/ Retrieved 13 November 2013.